Sunday, 26 December 2010

Beacon Boats-Niceley mad!!!!

Well after the madness of christmas with Ali's family( very nice i should add), came home on boxing day evening after a horrible drive and sat down to relax. Mobile then went. Who could this be? Well it was Neil from Beacon. Now if your boat builder rings you on Boxing day, what would be your first thoughts? With me, it was some form of disaster. So, with trepidation i listened.....

The bad news is.... Neils motorbike and his power drill have packed up!

This man is totally mad! In a very nice way. He works 24/7. So why had he telephoned me? To ascertain the position of the wall lights.!

You know, that's why we chose Beacon. Slightly mad, but ever so genuine. Just love them. Neil lives to work and is passionate in what he does. Ali is not far behind!


1 comment:

  1. Yes, definitely mad - Neil walked five miles to work in the snow during our build, because he couldn't get his motor bike out as the snow was too deep. He sometimes sleeps in the workshop too!! Hope you had a great Christmas.
    Love P & R xx


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